Monday, January 02, 2006
All of the friends emerge onto a quiet, wet street.
CRAIG: It rained.
HYUN-MI: It’s jangma. Rainy season.
DEBORAH: [Holding her hand out] Oh great. It’s starting to rain again.
CRAIG: Come on, quick. Let’s run to the taxi stand.
They all start running.
CRAIG: [waving to a cab that is driving by] Yo-gi-oh! Ajushi! Over here!
[The cab rushes by.]
NEVILLE: We’re the poor saps who don’t know how to get a ride.
CRAIG: There’s got to be a free cab somewhere. [waving at another] Yo-gi!!
[it rushes by]
[the rain keeps falling]
CRAIG: What’s the trick? Is there a trick to this?
DEBORAH: Try waving some money.
CRAIG: What? Like man won?
DEBORAH: It might work.
Craig pulls out some money]
CRAIG: Ajushi! 돈 있어요! [“Doane issayo!!” “I have money!”}
[A cab drives by.]
CRAIG: Swell.
DEBORAH: Look! It’s stopping!
The cab has stopped several meters up the road from them. It waits, engine idling. They all run for it.
CRAIG: What’re we going to do? We can’t all fit in.
DALE: [putting his arm around his date] We got to the cab first.
DEBORAH: We can fit in.
CRAIG: [disbelieving] What?
DEBORAH: Sure. Why not? Haven’t you ever tried that before? Six in a car?
CRAIG: Seven, with the driver.
DALE: Look, seriously, folks. Kyoung-ja and I don’t have far to go. If we can just squeeze two in the front and four in the back, it’ll be cool. Hyun-mi is small.
CRAIG: Think the driver’ll let us do that?
DALE: [brusquely] This is Korea. Nobody tips here. We’ll just give him, like, cheon won extra. He’ll think we’re big shots.
KYOUNG JA looks at Dale for a moment, and gives a snorting laugh.
DALE: What? What? I said something wrong?
KYOUNG JA: [sarcastically] You’re such a nice guy, Dale.
DALE: [grinning wolfishly] Yeah. And you love it, right?
She smiles but doesn’t concur.
DALE: Okay, okay. We’ll give him a real tip. Something substantial. Come on, let’s go. We gotta get out of this rain.
They approach the cab.
DALE: [to Kyoung-ja] Honey, you tell him what the deal is.
KYOUNG JA leans in the taxi window and says something. Then she turns to everyone else.
KYOUNG JA: It’s okay. Get in.
As they all squeeze in, Craig turns to Kyoung-ja.
CRAIG: You know, your English is really good. Better than Hyun-mi’s, I think.
HYUN MI slaps Craig’s shoulder. Craig smiles.
DALE: [looking around the streets impatiently] Babe, where is it? Where's your apart?
KYOUNG JA: It’s next block.
DALE: By those lights?
DALE: [to driver] Hey, ajushi! Ajushi!
KYOUNG JA: What do you want?
DALE: Tell him to stop at the intersection.
KYOUNG JA says something to the driver, but it’s too late. The car whips through the intersection and continues for half a block.
DALE: [dumbfounded] what’d he do that for?
KYOUNG JA: It’s okay. He just misunderstood.
DALE: misunderstand?! He’s Korean. You’re Korean. What’s there to misunderstand?
KYOUNG JA: He just misunderstood, that’s all. Okay?
DALE: [under his breath] Friggin –
DALE: nothing.
The cab stops.
DALE: C’mon, babe. Hop out.
KYOUNG JA opens the front right door and disembarks.
DRIVER: [To Dale] Tip.
DALE: What?!
DRIVER: You say, ‘tip’.
DALE: I said a tip if you friggin’ drive us to the right friggin’ place.
CRAIG: You promised him, dude.
DALE: you keep out of this. And you guys are goin’ farther. Why don’t you tip him?
CRAIG: You caught the ride. 50/50. That was the deal.
DALE: [coldly] Thanks loads, there. Buddy boy.
He starts to disembark.
DRIVER: Tip, Mister!
DALE: [turning on him rapidly] How’s this for a tip? [He gives the driver the finger.]
Like a bolt the driver is out of his cab and standing next to Dale. Suddenly it’s as if the two of them will come to blows.
KYOUNG JA: [off] Dale? What’s going on?
DALE: [looking at the driver, who’s shorter than him] You want a piece of me? Hunh? You want a piece?
KYOUNG JA: [running up to him] Dale! What is going on?! What did you do?!
[she looks at Craig]
CRAIG: [laughing and saying to her] Just Dale being Dale.
The driver speaks rapidly to KYOUNG JA in Korean.
KYOUNG JA: [to Dale] Why won’t you give him tip money? You promised!
DALE: I promised if goofball here would drop us off where I say.
KYOUNG JA: I told you. It was misunderstanding. We’re close to my place. The rain is stopped. Why you make a problem?
DALE: Babe, haven’t you ever heard of principle?
KYOUNG JA: [sighing with sheer exasperation] What?!!!
DALE: A tip is an exchange for above-par service. We didn’t get that. No tip.
KYOUNG JA: You won’t give him tip??
KYOUNG JA suddenly turns on her heel and starts walking away.
DALE: [chasing her a few steps] Hey. Hey. Babe. Where you goin’?
KYOUNG JA: Home. Alone.
DALE: Awww.
But KYOUNG JA keeps walking. She disappears into the night.
DALE: Great.
Dale returns to the cab.
The driver watches, somewhat taken aback, as Dale takes his seat as if nothing has happened.
DALE: [to Hyun-mi in a tired voice] Do me a favour, would you? Just tell him to take us home.
Paul, having watched all this carefully, looks at Deborah, who is staring ahead stony-faced, and Craig and Hyun-mi, who seem to think it was rather amusing. He catches Neville’s eye. Neville simply raises his eyebrows.
NEVILLE: Good thing this is a roomy car.